We do all the work.

Goodwill is focused on Donated Goods and mission-driven programs. Simply Goods Solutions supports your focus on those by handling all aspects of New Goods so you don't have to.

The Simply Goods Solutions SBT program installs, replenishes, restocks, absorbs shrink, and pays for fixtures and signagewe cover the risk and the financial investment.

WE INVEST: Inventory on consignment – Simply Good owns the inventory until the consumer sale. No up-front investment. You don’t have to buy product. You don’t have to merchandise.

WE MANAGE: Our systems auto-replenish what sells. No need for you to spend your time doing orders. With our monthly merchandising, you eliminate all labor.

YOU PROFIT: Our merchandised and managed programs will give you strong revenue, high profit, and a hassle free program.

Contact: Scott Iseman VP Business Development, Simply Good Solutions smiseman@simplygoodsolutions.com Ph: (585) 730-1730